Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bringing the Bible to Life for Kids

God's story is the best story ever. That's means it requires our best as storytellers to bring it to life for our kids. The good news is this is easier than it sounds.

Whether you're a Sunday School teacher with eight children in your room or a large group storyteller communicating to hundreds of kids from a stage, the principles of effective storytelling are the same.  You have to be intentional with what you say and how you say it. It's a combination of both content and presentation.

Here are three episodes of the Simple Kidmin Podcast that will help you with both. Episodes 18 & 20 focus on presentation skills, while Episode 22 is a mixture of both content and presentation tips.

Check these out and try some of the techniques with your kids. You'll be amazed at how just a few tweaks can make a huge difference when you're bringing God's story to life.

If you'd like more storytelling help, you can read my free ebook, Anatomy of a Perfect Bible Lesson, available here.

Storytelling Part 1: Voice

Listen here on the blog or in iTunes.

Storytelling Part 2: Face & Body

Listen here on the blog or in iTunes.

Storytelling Part 3: 12 Tips for Success

Listen here on the blog or in iTunes.

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