Simple Kidmin is about focusing on the things that matter most.
Children's Ministry is never easy. That doesn't mean it has to be complicated. Simple Kidmin is here to help you cut through the clutter of programs and practices that rob your ministry of life-changing power. Simple Kidmin isn't about doing everything. It's about doing the right things.
On this blog you'll find a variety of resources to help you create the most effective, focused Children's Ministry possible. Simple Kidmin is for the beginner and veteran, small church and megachurch, single-site and multi-site.
After leading in Children's Ministries of every shape and size for over 20 years, I can promise you there a few things that are true in every context. Those are the things that help kids fall in love with Jesus and follow Him.
At I hope to set you free to chase those things.
If you have questions or need further help in Children's Ministry you can contact me at
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