Devotionals for Grown-Ups

I used to know a family whose kids hated taking down their Christmas tree so much that their mom bought a second tree to keep up all year around.  They called it their holiday tree.
In December they decorated it for Christmas, but in January, they converted it to a Valentine’s tree.   By spring it was decked out for Easter, and in the summer it was a patriotic red, white and blue.  And on and on it went.
I’m kind of like that family, but instead of decorating trees, I keep writing devotional books themed around the seasons and the holidays. Though these are written for grown-ups, many families have used them to read along with their kids.  

Fall Devotional

It’s that time of year when the evenings turn crisp and the leaves begin to glow. Welcome to fall! Come celebrate the season, and the God who created it, in these twenty-five light-hearted devotions.
In this second book in the Holiday Road devotional series we’ll take a look at the the classic comforts of autumn and how they can deepen our faith and make us laugh at ourselves along the way. We’ll go apple picking, take a hayride to the pumpkin patch and stuff our face with s’mores as we travel down the holiday road, discovering that the God who gives us the capacity to enjoy his amazing seasons wants us to enjoy a relationship with himself most of all.
This Holiday Road devotional will take you on a journey through fall with stops along the way at Halloween, Thanksgiving and even a bonus Christmas devotion to prepare you for the season to come.
Tales from the Leaf Pile is available in paperback and ebook on Amazon.
Christmas Devotional
Are your holidays more hectic than holy? More weary than worshipful? Do they leave you exhausted and longing for more?
Maybe it’s time to take a detour down the Holiday Road and rediscover the joy in the journey to Christmas. Come meander the back roads to Bethlehem with these 25 light-hearted devotions written to help you refocus on what really matters this holiday season.
The Holiday Road Christmas Devotional is available in both paperback and ebook on Amazon.
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