Podcast Show Notes

Here are the show notes for the Simple Kidmin podcast with links, pictures, videos and other resources to help you go deeper with each show.

Episode 25: Is Children's Ministry Real Ministry?

In this episode we'll talk about how God uses the awesome world of Children's Ministry to change the lives of kids, leaders and parents. 

Episode 24: How to Build Healthy Teams Part 2

In this episode we will finish our conversation on building healthy teams.  Today we will dive into the tough topics of how to help people think like a team and how to fight for team health.

Episode 23: How to Build Healthy Teams Part 1

The health of our Children's Ministry depends on the health of our teams. In today's episode we will talk about how to build healthy teams and how to help our teams thrive. 

Episode 22: Storyteller Training Part 3 (12 Tips for Success)

In today's episode we will wrap up our three-part storyteller training by hitting 12 tips that will set communicators up for success.

Episode 21: Making Move Up Sunday Awesome for Families

In today's episode we will look some simple ways you can be more intentional when it comes to Move Up or Promotion Sunday in your church.

Episode 20: Storyteller Training Part 2 (Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movement)

This is part two of a three-part series on training for Children's Ministry storytellers and teachers.  Today we will look at how we can use our face, gestures and movement to bring the Bible to life.

Episode 19: 8 Ways to Prepare Your Children's Ministry for Easter

Easter Sunday is the biggest Sunday of the year in the life of the church. In this episode we will talk about 8 things you can do to get ready to celebrate and welcome guests in your Children's Ministry on Easter.

Episode 18: Storyteller Training Part 1 (Using Your Voice)

This is the first of a three-part episode focused on training for Children's Ministry storytellers and large group teachers.  Today we will look at the worst advice ever given to storytellers and several ways storytellers can use their voices to bring the Bible to life.

Episode 17:  How to Help Leaders Grow

In this episode we'll talk about how we can adjust our leadership to help our leaders grow through each stage of their development.

Episode 16: How to Share Vision with Parents

In this episode I talk about five reasons you need to share the vision of your Children's Ministry with parents and seven different vehicles you can use to share vision.

Episode 15: How to Create a Compelling Leader Training Experience

In this episode we will talk about how to create a leader training experience that people actually want to come to, and that they will find both helpful and inspiring.  

Episode 14: How to Help Parents Have an Awesome First Day In Children's Ministry

What do parents experience the first time they walk into your Children's Ministry?  Does it make a great first impression?  Or does it leave parents wondering if they can really trust you with their kids?  In this episode we will dive into how to make the best impressions on our new parents as we can.  

Episode 13: How to Help Kids Have an Awesome First Day In Children's Ministry

What's it like to be a new kid in your Children's Ministry? Is it awesome or just okay? If you want to make sure kids have an amazing first experience with your church, then check out this episode.

Episode 12: How to Be a More Creative Kidmin

Do you ever wish you were more creative?  In this episode you'll discover some simple ways to inject more creative thinking into your Children's Ministry.

Episode 11:  Helping 5th Graders Transition from Children's Ministry to Student Ministry

How do you transition 5th graders from Children's Ministry to Student Ministry?  In this episode you'll learn how our church creates a special experience for families that sets them up to win during this tough transition.

Episode 10: How Safe Is Your Children's Ministry?
Safety should be the top priority of every Children's Ministry.  In this episode we will do a deep dive into the areas you need to be thinking about in order to make your Children's Ministry as safe as possible.

Episode 9: Challenging Parent Conversations, Part 2
In this episode we look at ten tips you need to consider when talking to parents about their child's behavior.  These conversations are never fun, but if we think through them in advance, they can turn into a great opportunity to build a relationship with parents and help kids thrive in church.  

Episode 8: Are You a Thankful Children's Minister?

Our level of thankfulness reveals the condition of our hearts, shapes how we relate to others and determines the direction of our ministry.  In this episode we will discover three things that may hinder our gratitude and three "turkey busters" that will stop these selfish turkeys in our lives and children's ministries.

Episode 7: Challenging Parent Conversations, Part 1

In this podcast we'll cover nine tips that will help you take these potentially challenging parent conversations and use them to build bridges between your Children's Ministry and the families you serve.

Episode 6: Are You Taking Time to Rest?

In this episode we'll talk about a what a healthy rhythm of work and rest looks like in the world of Children's Ministry.

Episode 5: Baby Dedication Services

Last year our church totally reimagined what we offer families for parent and baby dedication services.  In this episode you'll learn more about an event called Rooted and how it's impacted our church.

Episode 4: How to Set Leaders up to Win (Part 2)

In part two of this two part episode we will look at four more things every leader needs from us to set them up to win.

Episode 3: How to Set Leaders up to Win (Part 1)

We work hard inviting new leaders to serve in Children's Ministry, but once we place them in the ministry are we setting them up to win?  In part one of this two part episode we'll cover four things that every new volunteer needs from us to succeed in their role.

Episode 2: KidSplash Family Experience

When families have questions about following Jesus and baptism, we invite them to KidSplash, a fun, interactive event that gets kids and parents talking about faith at home.

Epidode 1: Living as a Kid of the King

Who are you?  Is your identity wrapped up in the Children's Ministry you lead or are you leading from a place of freedom as a kid of the King?  In this episode we'll talk about our identity in Christ and how to stay grounded in Him while leading God's kids.

Episode 0: About the Podcast

Welcome to the Simple Kidmin podcast. In this episode you'll meet Jason, discover what you can expect from this podcast and get a little dose of encouragement for your week.

Disclaimer: The opinions and recommendations expressed in this podcast are my own. They are not authorized or endorsed by Southland Christian Church and are not intended to represent Southland in any way.

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