Monday, December 4, 2017

Episode 009: Challenging Parent Conversations Part 2

In today's episode we're going to look at ten tips you need to consider when talking to parents about their child's behavior.  These conversations are never fun, but if we think through them in advance, they can turn into a great opportunity to build a relationship with parents and help kids thrive in church.  

Click here to listen in iTunes.

In Episode 007, we dove into part one of this conversation, what to do when parents bring a complaint or concern to us.  Today we will look at the flip side and work on a plan for the times we have to have to initiate a challenging conversation with parents.  You can find the ten steps outlined below.  

Ten Steps for Hard Conversations with Parents

  1. Open the lines of communication early.
  2. Choose the best time and location to talk. 
  3. Put yourself on their team.
  4. Clearly state what happened.
  5. Watch your tone.
  6. Don't diagnose someone else's child.
  7. Be solution sided. 
  8. Celebrate the child's success in the future.
  9. Don't be afraid to call in backup.
  10. Pray.

To hear more about each of these, listen to Episode 009.

Christmas Resources

On the podcast today I also challenged each of us to take some intentional time and slow down this Christmas to enjoy our friendship with God.   I mentioned my book Holiday Road: A Christmas Devotional, a fun, light-hearted devotional written to help focus your heart for the advent season.  Holiday Road is available in both paperback and ebook on Amazon.

Also, here is a free Bible study based on Holiday Road that you can use with or without buying the book.


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