When it comes to effective Children's Ministry, facilities aren't everything. They're no substitute for passionate, empowered leaders, transformational teaching or helping parents to get excited about discipling their kids at home.
But, let's be honest, awesome decor sure can make a difference. It shows kids that they're so special you've designed a place just for them. It shows parents you take the care of their kids seriously. And it shows prospective leaders that Children's Ministry is a fun, exciting place to serve.
That doesn't mean, however, that you have a have a huge building or million dollar budget to make it happen. It just means you need to be intentional. You have to make a decision that you're going to make the most of the space you have, and will make the most compelling case possible to your leaders to invest strategic dollars in your rooms.
Here's a great example. My friends Josh and Debbie Hahn lead Fountaintown Christian Church near Indianapolis. The church averages around 120 people on a Sunday, but they are serious about reaching kids and families.
A few years ago, I got to hang out with their kidmin team and talk about possibilities of what they could do with their space. And guess what? They did it. They renovated this youth area into a really cool Children's Ministry room.
It's amazing the difference some paint, carpet and a vinyl graphic can make (not to mention ditching old furniture).
In the picture below you'll see that by removing this kitchen area, the Fountaintown team was able to capture a great corner for children's worship, complete with stage and flatscreen TV.
So how about you? Even if you can't afford the TV or the carpet, can you throw away old furniture, clean out the clutter and get some fun colors on the wall? How about a vinyl graphic? They're much sharper and easier to maintain than murals or paintings.
Whatever you can do, whatever space you have, whatever your budget, just take a step. Follow Fountaintown's example and make your kidmin space a priority.
Decor isn't everything, but when done right, it communicates that Children's Ministry is an awesome place to be.
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