Saturday, January 12, 2013

Diary of New Campus: Saturday Night Week 2

Well here we are in the middle of the second weekend of launching our church's new campus on Richmond Road in the old Lexington Mall and the weekend is off to a big start.

Going into tonight I encouraged everyone to consider this another launch weekend. Just because we had one weekend of services, which went incredibly well, doesn't mean we knew what to expect this weekend.

The new campus had over 4,700 opening weekend. Would we have about the same number or 1,000 more? If so, what would that look like in the kidmin world? Would we have the leader coverage and space to handle it?

Of course tonight was also a home game for UK, which in Lexington means lower attendance on Saturday night and bigger numbers on Sunday.

Okay, here's what we ended up with:

All in all, in preschool through elementary we were down from 141 to 126, but it still felt busy.  We had several leaders out at the last minute with the flu so those 126 kids kept us hopping.  Keep in mind that this number doesn't include the 53 babies in the nursery (down from last week's 63.)

The interesting thing is even with these lower numbers we had several first time guests tonight.  During check-in I was stationed in our 3rd-5th grade environment and personally talked to four families that had never even been in the building.  

The great news is that we placed seven brand-new leaders this week.  Yay, God!  Now that people are starting to realize we really are open for business, they're seeking us out to get involved, which says a lot to me about how excited people are about what God is up to in Children's Ministry.  This is awesome because even though we have a strong team in place, we still have some major ground to get our groups covered once our launch team's commitment ends in February (the launch team was a group of extra leaders who came in to fill in the gaps while we finishing building our permanent leadership team).  

So the big question on my mind tonight is wondering what tomorrow will bring.  Will we make up for our slight dip in Saturday night attendance with larger crowds tomorrow or, after the rush of opening weekend,  will the numbers stay consistently lower?  

More importantly, no matter what numbers we have, what divine appointments does God have planned for tomorrow? Who will He bring our way? Who are the special families who need a word of encouragement or a personal connection that could make a difference for eternity? Looking forward to another morning watching God work!

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